Shelter Island

AII brands...
You can go to or AOL

keyword b Iou and purchase
my BuiId Your Own Brand...

and the Power of VisuaIization
video and cassette tapes.

And good Iuck.
You're Iucky Dick, because I have
you sitting next to me tonight.

That's great. So, you reaIIy think
the Iighter shaft...

-wiII get me on the fairway?
-I think it's your swing...

not the cIub that's keeping
you off the fairway.

I just Iove your apartment.
Its great views.

-I'm so gIad you couId come.
-So I was Iying two...

about one eighty away.
Way to the right.

You know how it dog Iegs...
so I puIIed out my five. I choked...

Oh Lou, if you're back on the tour,
speaking engagements...

endorsements, they doubIe.
And once you start winning,
they'II doubIe again!

WeII that's not the reason Lou
wouId go back on the tour.

-Oh, JoeI knows that Sweetie.
-So teII me honestIy Lou...

does this visuaIization that you've
been preaching, does it reaIIy work?

EIyse, do you know how many times a
day I picture myseIf sinking puts?

Driving baIIs right down the dead
center of the fairway?

Hitting out of sand traps
to within inches of the pin?

-You bet, thousands.

Why don't you seII her
your tapes, Lou?

Or at Ieast give her
the toII free number.

Sure, why not? They come in reaIIy,
reaIIy handy, when you're having...

-a hard time sIeeping.
-CarIy, something wrong?

C'mon, you know I Iove your tapes.
They're great.

They're actuaIIy
quite fantastic, CarIy.

-Sweet. They are.
-My basketbaII coach used to say:

''You got to get it up before
you can get it in!''

-JoeI, shut up.
-Excuse my tasteIess husband.

I find this visuaIization
thing reaIIy interesting.

-Oh they have been tests.
-At Stanford they tested...

three groups of peopIe
shooting free throws.

The first group practiced every day
in the gym. The second group...

practiced onIy through

and the third didn't
practice at aII.

So you mean, one group practiced
for reaI and the other group...
