Shelter Island

-in the middIe of nowhere.
-We know, thanks. Fine.

Say, I know you?
Sure, Sweet Lou DeIamere.

The sweetest swing on the tour.
I remember...

I remember you're beautifuI.
You know, we're trying...

-to keep things Iow key...
-Aww, I'm sorry

-That's okay.
-Let's go.

Hey, SheIter Greens is our
IittIe pubIic course...

it's pretty crappy reaIIy.
But you know...

we're supposed to have some warm
weather after the storm.

Maybe, weII I pIay a IittIe goIf,
and maybe you and I couId...

-shoot a round.
-Not this trip.

Sweet Lou, and the Law, c'mon.
Can't beat that.

-Not this trip.

-I'm sure.
-The Iady said no.

-Right, no. Sorry.
-Right. See ya.

Okay, thanks.
Hey Iet me ask you one
thing though...

I gotta ask you this.
When I'm in a sand trap...

You know what?
I promise you...

we'II have this conversation.
We'II have it...

we'II grab a beer and we'II
have it. Just not right now.

Yeah, I'm sorry.
You two Iook good together.

-The two of you together...

Easy on the eyes I'II teII ya.
Easy on the eyes, better than most.

-Better than most what?
-Better than most anything.

You know what?
We have to go.

-WeII, thank you.
-For what?

For the visuaI. I mean guys are
visuaI, right? We visuaIize.

That's what we do and...
you guys have given me something
to stare back at Iater.

-And what wouId that be?
-I mean in my head. You know?

It's aII up here in my head.
You know? Just cIick...cIick...cIick

-What are you doing?
-DeveIoping. DeveIoping.

In my head,
there it goes deveIoping.

-That's great.
-Okay, enjoy it.

See ya.
