
Over there!
Don't shoot!
Don't come any closer!
And you were the
first one to betray us!

Even that mean bastard
Sergeant Dick was against it.

You were all doomed anyway!
You were gonna
die either way,

why should we die too?
Why were we gonna die anyway?
After you came, they
destroyed your national IDs.

You know what that means?
You're just ghosts,
roped in on this island.

Whether successful or not,
you were as good as buried...

Don't lie, you asshole!
He's not lying.
But if you tell us
there was no other way,

then it's no different
when we take aim at you.

If you'd tried to find another
way, if you'd thought...

even once that
our cursed lives

are worth as much as yours...
What do you mean, the same?
You're all convicted criminals!
How can a bunch of nameless...
What I mean is...
Why am I nameless?
