Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Directing a film,
you just see everything so many times...

that you frankly just get dead...
to a lot of the picture, but I have to say...
every time Eris wore the Sinbad suit here,
my eyes were wide open.

- I just love some of these effects.
- It's a great scene.

It's funny that most people
who looked at the pencil test on Eris...

thought she was blonde.
If you look at the thing in color,
it's like, wow.

Yeah, the transformation's amazing.
Sinbad's dagger, of course,
that Eris took from him under water.

All the pieces are coming together.
They never really articulate
what the Book of Peace does...

but it's sort of explained
by its disappearance.

It's obviously protecting
the city of Syracuse...

and once it disappears these terrible
black clouds and an earthquake...

sends the city into darkness. We imagined
the city would be Dorian Gray...

would age very quickly,
but we never really got a chance...

to flesh out that sort of story 'cause we
didn't cut back to Syracuse very frequently.

- That's my favorite sound effect there.
- At one time, we had this whole pass...

where we were putting in shots
of Syracuse progressively declining.

We had drawings of the ships listing
out without water on the channels...

and all that. But just got a little bit too dark.
We even had a war going.
- Yes, that's right.
- We had the invading armies.

We had black ink seeping
through the city, too.

Volcanoes and comets.
This is one of the early animations
that Jakob did on Sinbad...

to kind of define the character.
And he really found him right here.
He found the fun and theatricality...
and sort of wit of Sinbad, even as
Sinbad's under the most terrible pressure.

Facing a life sentence or worse here.
And you can still see the sparkle
Jakob found in Sinbad's eyes.

He really kind of nailed the look
of Sinbad in that sequence.

The lighting of this sequence is a beautiful
job done by Steve Wood and his crew.

Just the feeling, being in the cell
with the shaft of light...
