Smala Sussie

How long has she been gone?
What day is today? Want milk?

The wife demanded a porch,
or she'd leave him.

They've been on the rocks
for a while. How do I know?

She visits for a humping sometimes.
Cops'wives are like everyone.

Here's a coconut cookie.
The wife made them, with coconut.

Guess what?
Mom thinks dad is bad in bed.

She said so on the phone. But I can
teach you to make the bed, daddy.

Have a coconut thing...
Cut it out! You should be looking
for Susie, not offering cookies!

Uffe, turn it off.
I've told you not to ride around
on seized property.

- Park it. It's not yours.
- But he got it for his birthday.

Go in and tell mommy
you have to go to the bathroom.

You can take it. It was your moped,
right? You can take it later.

The matter is settled.
- What are you thinking about?
- Billy Davidson.

No real cop would behave that way.
He knows something about Susie.

He's just overworked. Cops have
a damned hard job to do.

Just be happy
you got your moped back.

I'd rather have my sister back.
Don't worry. I'II tell you a story
from my life. It's similar to this.

But I have to do it in English,
or I'll start bawling.

I don't want to do that.
