It was at that time that Quim
and Daniel Angelats came back too
and they went to the forest
to wait for the war to end.
That was where
they came across Sánchez Mazas.
- Anything else?
- You could
talk to my Uncle Quim.
Your uncle?
My father's brother.
One of the "Forest Friends."
He's still alive?
Yes, he lives in Medinyá.
He'd know about Daniel Angelats.
They served together in the war.
If he's still alive
he'll be in Banyoles.
And did they ever write
or see each other again?
They never wrote
to each other again,
but my father died 15 years ago
and among his papers I found
a notebook you might find useful.
It was Sánchez Mazas'.
He gave it to them.
It was the diary he wrote during
the days he spent in the forest.
"I, the undersigned,
Rafael Sánchez Mazas,
Founder of Fascist group, former
president of the Political Junta,
and therefore
the first Falangist in Spain,
declare that on 30th January 1939
I faced a firing squad
and miraculously
managed to survive.
Several shots were fired,
after which I hid in the forest.
After walking
for three days, I arrived
at night in a place
called the Palol de Revardit,
where I fell
and lost my glasses,
which left me half-blind."
Pedro Figueras Bahí,
Joaquim Figueras Bahí,
Daniel Angelats.