Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over

Hello, Juni,
Donnagon, Been a good boy lately?
Very, very good,
Mrs, Giggles must have
straightened you out,

- l certainly did,
- Hello, Francesca,

Yeah, she worked me over
pretty good, actually,

- Aah,
- Darling, behave,

What do you know about
a video game called Game Over?

l know that just about every kid
in the world is gonna sign on and play it,

Not if we can help it,
The game is a trap,

Once plugged into the game,
parents won't even be able to
get their children's attention,

What else is new?
This is different,
Once you get through the game,
your mind belongs to the Toymaker,

The inventor of the game,
He wants to enslave
the world's youth with mind control,

You control the youth,
you control the future of the world,

She's an ingenious hacker, your sister,
We sent her inside to shut down the game,
But,,, she disappeared,
How can she disappear inside a game?
She didn't physically,
Actually, she's right here in the building,
Carmen! Carmen!
She can't hear you,
Her mind's still in the game,

She got as far as level four, then nothing,
Why would she even go in there
without any backup?

Because her first and only choice
wouldn't answer our calls,

So she decided to go alone,
Now, you go in,
Find your sister,

Help her shut down the game in 1 2 hours,
or it's game over for everyone,
Are you with us?
Then let's go,
So l have to shut down the game
but not release the Toymaker?

Exactly, lt would be catastrophic
if he escaped,

The Toymaker hates us for imprisoning
him in cyberspace all these years,
