Sur le seuil

- Hello doctor,
this is Inspector Goulet.

We have a print-out of the novel
Roy was writing when we found him.

You know the policeman
who shot 11 children two weeks ago...

It's probably a coincidence,
but call me back. Goodbye.

- Frédérique!
- It's about a cop who shoots children
in a schoolyard.

Mr. Roy must have seen the news,
and used it for his new novel,
like he always did.

That's why he stopped writing.
He felt guilty.
Seeing the massacre on TV
inspired him.

He felt compelled to write.
But his sense of remorse
kicked in and he...

- Hold on.
It was 8 hours between the shooting
and Tom's suicide attempt.

He couldn't have written 34 pages,
he wrote 10 pages a day.

He must have started writing
days before.

- The novel's too real...
- I'm sorry to insist, but...
- Excuse me, Mr. Michaud,
but in a psychotic break,

a person's faculties can increase,
or speed up...

- You don't understand.
- Roy wrote the novel afterwards.
It's the only logical possibility.
And logic does not
require your consent.
