Taxi 3

- Since 8 months Emilien.
- No. -Yes

- How it happened?
- The Saint Spirit came to me
8 months ago.

8 months? ls it possible?
l saw the changes, but...

And your breasts...
...this is the reason to became so...
My God! Will you keep it?
- lt's too late for other decisions.
- Certainly.

- But why you didn't tell me?
- l try since 8 months.

l put cauliflower in all
the rooms.

- l was wondered what does it mean.
- Look, there are more than 20
echographic images on the wall.

There are everywhere.
- ls this my baby?
- For now it's mine.

lfyou want to take part, you have
to wake up!

ls the baby normal?
Good question, ifyou know the

but yes, it's normal.
- lfyou are pregnant,

you'll keep the baby, and it's

then l'll became a father?
- Yes. Good conclusion.

- You should work at the police.
- l'll be a daddy.

Yes. And this child will need
a super-daddy.

Count on me Petra,
Count on me.

What a fool you are.
You changed a car, for the woman
you love..

Fast test?
What fast test?
Two bars. What is this?
