The Cat in the Hat

- I want to drive.
- I think that's a great idea.

Two people can't drive
at the same time.

You're right.
We should all drive.

[Tires Screeching]

- Cat.! Where are the brakes?
- I'll get them.

I think there's something wrong
with your brakes. When's the
last time you had them checked?

Bad brake.!

One-way street, one-way street,
one-way street, one-way street.!

- [Gasping, Screaming]
- [Truck Horn Honking]

Hey, Rhode Island license plate.
You never see those.

[Horn Honking]
Om. Om.
[Loud Clanging]
Air bag. Standard.
I think... I wet... my jar.
Can we do that again?
[Alarm Chirps]

Hey, there he is!
[Conrad] Oh, no.!
He's going into Mom's offiice.!

Come on, Cat!
You know, Nevins,

whenJoan fiinds out
you've escaped again,
Conrad will be moving out,

and I'll be moving in.
[Conrad] We've gotta get
Nevins and that lock back.
[Sally] What are we gonna do?

Don't worry.
I have three plans.

Plan "A": "Mess up
a perfectly clean house."

Done that. Plan "B":
"Cut your losses and ditch the kids."

- That could work.
- What about that one?

Plan "C": "Trick Mom's boyfriend
into handing over dog and lock."
