The Gospel of John

Out of the fullness of his grace,
he has blessed us all...

giving us one blessing after another.
God gave the Law through Moses...
but grace and truth...
came through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God.
The only Son, who is the same as God...
and is at the Father's side...
he has made him known.
The Jewish authorities in Jerusalem
sent some priests and Levites to John.

Who are you?
John did not refuse to answer,
but spoke out openly and clearly.

-l am not the Messiah.
-Who are you then?

-Are you Elijah?
-No, I'm not.

-Are you the Prophet?

Then tell us who you are.
We have to take an answer back
to those who sent us.

What do you say about yourself?
John answered
by quoting the prophet, Isaiah.

"I am the voice of someone
shouting in the desert:

"'Make a straight path
for the Lord to travel!"'

The messengers, who had been sent
by the Pharisees, then asked John:

If you are not the Messiah,
nor Elijah, nor the Prophet...

why do you baptize?
I baptize with water.
But among you
stands the one you do not know.

He is coming after me.
But I am not good enough...
even to untie his sandals.
