The Haunted Mansion

Do something about
that ashy white look.

l'm sure the ladies
would love it.

Sounds wonderful .

Would you care for a drink, sir,
while you're waiting?

Yeah. Don't mind if l do.
Thank you , Ramsley.

Oh, wow!
Now, that's class.
That's what l need to do.

Get a big picture of myself
to put on the living room wall.

Adds a touch of elegance
to the room.

Yes, sir.
Very elegant.

Thank you .
Thank you so much , Ramsley.

So, Ramsley, how long
you been a butler?

A long time.
What are the most
important qualifications

in case l might be doing
some interviewing?

Attending to every detail.
Understanding priorities.
And above all,
knowing one's place.

What does your boss like to do?
What's he into?

You know, what floats his boat?
The master likes
a great many things.

Art, literature, beauty.
And all that stuff about ghosts.
Did he get, like, a bad clam
in his jambalaya one night?

You don't believe
in ghosts, sir?

Absolutely not.
Let me tell you something.

The way l see it, you only go
around the track once.

So you do it full-out
all the way around.

Mr. Evers, may l confide in you?
Please do.
The master is not well.
He must leave this house,
Mr. Evers.

He must move on.
lt is of the gravest importance,
l assure you.

Or l fear the very worst.
l can't believe this.
Still no reception.
We had to take
that little detour.

20 minutes tops.
Yeah, right.

Do you think it's gonna stop
raining soon?

How should l know?
l'm not the weatherman.

