The Human Stain

He had it right there in his hand,
and he let it all slip away.

He couldn't stop them.
He could have tried.
You don't feel any remorse, do you?
Do you think that
makes me a bad person?

You did what you had to do.
I heard about your father.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It was a terribly
unfortunate mistake.

You've got the girl?
She's inside.
So you really believe
that thing you put on her head
is blocking her signal?

Right now, they're in their ship,
scratching their little gray heads,

going, "Where's our girl?"
Then, when we take that shield off,
here they come.

You're confident
we can take them down?

Wherever they come from...
the most distant star,
the furthest reaches of time...

the moment they enter
our time and space, our reality,

they're confronted by
the laws of our physics.

You're sure of that?
In 1947,
in Roswell, New Mexico,

a ship came down when it collided
with a Mogul spy balloon... a balloon.

Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure.
You done a fine job.
We're indebted to you.

What is this?
Charlie company, move out!

I'd like to thank you
on behalf of your country

for your contribution to this effort.
You've done your part,
Miss Crawford.

The little girl's a part of
a military operation now.
