The Human Stain

No, I never have.
Well, I've got my copy
in my duffle.

I always carry it with me.
It was my mom's favorite book.
She'd bake us Toll House cookies,
and we'd share the whole plate
of them while she read.

If it wouldn't make you
too sad to remember her...

I'd like to hear the story.
No, it wouldn't make me sad at all.
It would be nice to remember her.
We're calling the operation
"Dropping the Dishes."

The three Humvees
equipped with the missiles

will be here, here, and here,
camo nets above 'em.
The target, gentlemen,
will be in the air.

It will be big.
Observation posts here
on the mountains for early warning.

Two men to each O.P.
We're gonna try to take
this thing down intact, sir?
