The I Inside

There's nothing to explain
Dr. Newman

His Synoptic Cholinesterase
is practically non-existent

I really don't wanna be
discussing this right now

What I need is coffee
Poisonings have
suspicious need

you have to come report it
to the police

that's hospital policy
Let's rule everything out first
that's all I'm saying

Diazepam, five milligrams
Take it easy, Mr. Cable
You're gonna be fine

Just having a nightmare
Let it go Mr. Cable
Whatever it is
you just have to let it go

So what we're looking at here
is Anterior grade amnesia

Basically short term
memory loss

Nothing to get
too worried about

Nothing to get
too worried about?

These episodes usually
sort themselves out

in a couple of days
a couple of weeks

You're telling me that
I've lost two years of my life?

Think of it as if
your life's a puzzle

that's been jumbled up
All the pieces are
still there

We just have to put them
back together

Fit them in the right
order and place

And, honestly, Simon
I love a good puzzle

And I have a wife?
Yeah, these situations are
tough on couples

But your wife will
help us with this

She could be the key
So, if you're
feeling up to it

I'll go and get her
What do you think, Simon?
Would you like me
to get your wife?
