The Italian Job

All these poor bastards
out there,

putting their life
savings in banks,

and S&Ls, and mutual funds.
How do they think,
when the collapse comes,

they can depend
on the government?

I don't think so.
Are you taping me?
Of course not.
I never tape you...
come look,

see for yourself.
Governments are nothing more
than puppets and strings

in a world where NAFTA
can overrule the Supreme Court.

Like my cousin Mashkov
always says: "This
is our only refuge, baby...

Every time I look
at these engravings...

She's so beautiful.
Where'd you say you got these?
I didn't.
A little walking around money.
I guess I'm not walking
as far as I thought.

I'm... sorry.
I can only buy two bricks
from you today.

- That wasn't the agreement.
- What can I say?

I'm just middleman.
I'll buy the other two
from you on Wednesday.

Don't waste my time, Yevhen.
So, what does a man
with 35 million dollars worth
of gold do at night?

He watches his big-ass TV.
That's our in.
