The Job

- CJ.
- l want you to leave my house now.

No. You want me to leave,
then you're going to have
to force me out at gunpoint.

Otherwise, l'm staying
and we're getting to know each other.

l'm not going to talk
about that.

For now.
Troy: You got to be fucking
kidding me, man!

You gonna take this shit
off my hands or what?

- ( grinding )
- Hey!

Do you mind?
No, it can't be tomorrow, man.
lt's gotta be tonight.

Are you sure?
All right, fine. Tomorrow.

- Damn it!
- ( grinding )

Would you turn that off?.

- You said we were leaving today.
- Well, now it's going to be tomorrow.

l don't want it to be tomorrow, Troy.
l have a bad feeling about this.

The only feeling you got is that
10-pound dead weight in your stomach.

- lt's your baby.
- How do l know it's my baby, huh?!

You know what?
Who knows who's fucking baby it is!

Oh my God.
( crying )

l'm sorry.
l didn't mean that.
l wish we didn't even
have this damn baby.

- Honey, don't.
- l mean it!

l can't walk. l can't sleep.
l hate this thing
inside of me.

- Please.
- Ow!

Don't you dare hit me, you fucker!
You'll hurt the baby!

l'm sorry!
lf you ever hit me again
l will kill you.

You hit my fucking hand!
l'm sorry, l didn't fucking mean to!

- Sure you don't want to try?
- l'm sure.
