The Life of David Gale

Have no matter of
Hearing that man
may be to give the person

The politics have
no what to relate

l like smell to gave
to be burned what things

lt is a lot of to
connect the wreath cutthroat

Throw your smoke out
Then l can breathe
My car has
caned not stand

Right bower
This car is affirmative
to have problems

Mama of
The parking liked
lt is the problem of
the car that l feel

The newspaperman of the
magazine agency is

To meet the
trouble of the car

To know
The reporter wants to
face every kind of

l am a reporter
You are just a trainee
Very hot
Does the engine opens
l should how do
Make a phone
call to the office

Telephone that see
how much trailer

Have no the signal
Mama of
l have to urinate
Right bower
Right bower
