The Life of David Gale

His right here
They two are
to seek yours

Seek mine
You is very safe
Plum young lady
The please sit down
do not be polite

They have to tell you
that they want to check

They say if we want
to is shot dead

Can fuck so
She is intelligent
l am a virtuous
in horse in in Louis

The lawyer of
David Al Gore

This is a right
bower history text

lt is very
happy to see you

Come over
His right here
You are good
You are good
Al Gore sits down
You must not stand
You why not make the
small voice to it to order

My lawyer requests
you to adjust

The volume
size of youbox

Al Gore
Sit down
They are in the elephant
now usually similar

The practice is how
the talent the cruelty

Shell ...
We have reached consistence
You can proceed 3 times
long two hours gathers news

Still there is
day after tomorrow

All are 3:00 P.M.s
Very sorry we can't
give you more time

We also have no way
Press my comprehension is
You want to proceed
alone does this gather

The magazine
agency thinks best

Yes myself
Still having you can't
use any recording tool

Very good
This is my card
lf you are convenient
Can on Thursday of the
morning come to my office

Very good
We see on Thursday
Wish your good luck
l the night
orders again come

Right bower
We go to the parking
lot there the sucking
