The Life of David Gale

You impossible
fantasize again it

For letting it
exsits forever

lt musts be the
in reality eternal

But goat wool
What you want is not it
But is all it
of imagination

So the desire is the
foundation of the imagination

This is also the department
of and can say of

Real happiness
When you to from
now on will take place

Carefully the
thing that you hope

ls not because
you can get

Because you do
not want those thingses

So pull the
card to much say

Depend your demand
on the hoof forever

Can't cheer you up
The real meaning of
the life consists in

Pursue those idealses
But is not
to is got by you

That thing measures
But is an activity
Even is a self-sacrifice
Because finally
We can measure the oneself
vital and unique way

ls to pass the life that
cherish other people

Liked us to see on Monday
l be late to me very sorry
Because that you know
Yes you are very
punctual usually
