The Life of David Gale

Can say the United States
almost all ofthe religious

Do you is hearing
Again 10 second
The beginning turns
Welcome to return
to the with the program

We continue we four
part of programs

Ascend the local
superior with the discuss

Still there is
professor Al Gore

How are you
local superior

You know that
l always say

l hate the homicide
My management would for
obstruct homicidal

You know that the death
penalty can't stop

Each research...
altogether over 200

You also read
Their all all contain
same conclusion

Perhaps you should
read your Holy Bible

Deuteronomy 19:21
See eye to eye a tooth
for a tooth

See Gandhi
to how say of

Old law''see eye to
eye to let us

Sorry this is thought
that freedom parties

Do you think like
this? certainly

Very interesting
Because you once say
like this on a lecture

You let me throw into
disorder the superior

lf you are a freedom
to send you and then

lf you are an authority
you have no brains

This is the words of the
What you mean to say is
let we to choose

Healthy society
Must away with the
improbity by fair

Yes l agree
This too is what l say
ls not Hitler
