The Life of David Gale

What's the matter
with your arm

Do not take care of it
You is to the person beat
He is there
Reach the D of
You work hard to fuck why
and always and so live

You good David
All right
Tell me
She 17- year old time were
judged the death penalty

She is good at to talk
Who did she kill
She shouldn't should give to
penalize the death penalty

Who did she kill
A police
You are crazy
This is really crazy
She is just 17 years old
Leave the age that legal can
drink alcohol still contain

But she killed the police
You help to do not help
What you burn is fierce
Anna of
You good Al Gore
Does someone drinks the coffee
You good David
Free coffee
Where is the
She is making a phone call
ls that new nation to lead
l dare affirmative
We can get hold of the
some electric cable

Very good
l wanted to walk
l agree you to say of
lay emphasis on the

l the person of
affirmative Washington will

What data seeing these
have to support
