The Matrix Reloaded

You have to decide if you will accept
what I will tell you, or you will reject it.

Do you already know if I will take it?
It would not be an Oracle if he/she didn't know it.
But if you already know it...
How can I make an election?
Because you didn't come to my to make
the election; you have already made it.

You are here to attempt
to understand why you made it.

He/she thought that there would already be
deciphered that.

Why are you here?
Same reason.
I adore the candies.
But why to help us?
We all are here to make
what we all have to make.

It interests me a thing, Neo.
The future.

And believe me, the only way of
to arrive there, it is together.

Are there more programs as you?
No, I don't eat, but...
He/she looks.
Do you see those birds?
In a certain point a program
it was written to govern them.

A program was written
to take care of the trees,

and of the wind, and of the one
dawn, and of the decline.

There are programs being executed
for the whole place.

Those that make their work,
those that make what you/they should make...

Invisible... son. You would never find out
that they were here.

But the other ones... good...
...oyes to speak of them the whole time.
I never heard of them.
Of course that yes.
Every time that you heard somebody say
that he/she saw a ghost or an angel.

Each history that you have heard on vampires,
man-wolf or extraterrestrial,

it is the system assimilating some program that
he/she is making something that should not be making.

You program hackeando programs.
