The Matrix Reloaded

If you fails in completing this process,
it will be in a collapse cataclísmico of the system,

that it will kill to all those that
be connected to matrix,

that which added to the destruction of Zion,
it would take to the extintión of the human race.

You won't allow him to happen.
You are not able to.

You need human beings
to survive.

We are prepared to accept
certain levels of survival.

However, the excellent question is
if you are or non preparation to accept

the responsibility for the death
of each human being of this world.

It is interesting to read your reactions.
Your five predecessors were based
for design in a similar preaching,

a contingent statement that pointed to create
a deep indifference of the rest of your species,

facilitating this way the elect's function.
While the other ones experienced that in a way
very general, you experience is much more specific.

That is to say, the love.
On purpose, she entered to matrix for
to survive the life, at the cost of his.

That which finally brings us
to the moment of the truth.

where the fundamental flaw is expressed and it is revealed
the anomaly as much as principle as final.

There are two doors. The one that is to your right
it takes to the Source and the salvation of Zion.

The door to your left takes of return to
matrix, to Trinity and the end of your species.

As well you have said before,
the problem is the election.

But we already know the
that you will make, not?

I can already see the reaction in chain.
The chemical precursos causes
the creation of an emotion

designed specifically for
to squash the logic and the reason.
