The Matrix Reloaded

Ir vël negali uþmigti?
Gal nori pasikalbëti?
Tai tik sapnas.
Jei ko nors bijai…
Að tik norëèiau…
Norëèiau þinoti kà að turiu padaryti.
Tai viskas. Kad tik að þinoèiau.
Ji paskambins. Nesijaudink.
Ar mes jau pasiruoðæ vykti?
Mes jau vëluojame.
Ðie geotermai patvirtina
paskutinæ Osirio transliacijà.

Maðinos pradëjo kasti.
Jie græþia nuo pavirðiaus
þemyn, tiesiai á Zion‘à.

Jie iðvengs viso perimetro apsaugos.
- Kaip greit jie juda?
- Kontrolë uþfiksavo jø greitá 100 m/val.

- Po velniø.
- Kaip gyliai jie yra?

Beveik 2 tûkst. metrø gylyje.
Cannot you still sleep?
Do you want to speak?
They are only dreams.
If you are afraid to something...
Only desire...
He/she would want to know what you
it supposes that I should make.

That is everything, I would like to know.
She will call, don't worry.
Here they were.
Are we clever to leave?
We already go retarded.
These geothermal badges confirm
the last transmission of the Osiris.

The machines are digging.
They are arising of the surface,
and they go direct toward Zion.

Avoiding the defense primary perimetral.
- How so quick they move?
- Control estimates that 100 meters descend per hour.

- Mierda.
- How so deep they have arrived?

Almost 2.000mts.
