The Matrix Revolutions

Hopefully we can punch a hole
big enough for you to get through.

It ain't pretty, but the way I see it,
it's the only way back.

No, it's not.
There's another way. A support line.
It drops down right here,
1 000 meters short of 21.

If we're lucky, we may be able to slip down
without them ever knowing.

That's a mechanical line.
It's impossible.

-No one can pilot a mechanical.
-I can.

-I've done it.

-That was a long time ago, Niobe.
-I said I can do it.

So what? You'll be the only one that can.
There's no way we can follow you.

I know time is always against us.
I'm sorry that I took so long.

-But I wanted to be sure.
-Sure of what?

-I know what I have to do.

There's no easy way to say this,
so I'll just say it.

-I have to take one of the ships.

To go where?
To the machine city.
I know it's difficult to understand.
No, it's not. You're out
of your goddamn mind.

I still have to go.
In 1 00 years, no ship has been
within 1 00 kilometers of it.

-You'll never make it.
-I have to try.

-ls this what the Oracle has told you?

This is asinine. If you want
to kill yourself, do it...

...but do it without
wasting our ships.

-You have to believe me. I have to go.

I am the captain of this ship.
I say where it has to go!

And this ship will go to hell
long before I let you take it anywhere.

-He can take mine.
-You can't do that.

Don't try to tell me
what I can or cannot do...

...with my ship
after that little speech.
