The Matrix Revolutions

...I don't know. I....
I know. You don't think
you're coming back.

I knew it the moment you said you had
to leave. I could see it in your face.

Just like you knew the moment you looked
at me that I was coming with you.

I'm scared, Trin.
So am l.
It took me 1 0 minutes
to buckle up one boot.

But I'll tell you something.
Six hours ago, I told the Merovingian...
...I was ready to give anything
and everything for you.

Do you know what's changed
in the last six hours?

-Finished loading ammunition?
-Just about.

Let's move it. we are out of time.
You're not leaving them anything?
He said he didn't need it.
I ain't saying goodbye.
I'm saying good luck.

Thank you.
I can only hope you know
what you're doing.

Me too.
It was an honor, sir.
No, the honor is still mine.
-We're ready, sir.
-About damn time.
