The Medallion

What happened?
Snakehead's men.
They were here for the boy.

-I'm gonna keep him with me.
-Good idea. Keep him safe. Yes. Yes.

Watson, you did all this alone?
No, Eddie is--
I mean, I think I mentioned that Eddie
wasn't the only one with a black belt.

So you're all right?
-Okay. I'll see you back at the--

Yeah. I'm gonna do a couple of
press-ups and meet you back there.

Yes. Yes.
You just take care of the boy.
-Eddie, listen--
-Watson, something wrong.

Snakehead's men got away again,
but at least the boy is safe.

I mean, something wrong with me.
Hit me.
-Go on, hit me.

No, I can't do that.
It's okay, I don't mind.
Well, I mind. I mean--
A chap could break
a finger, you know.

Use this.
-No, thanks. I went before I came out.
-No, hit me with this.

-For real?

There you go. All right?
I can't do this. This is ridiculous.
-The queen hits harder than that.

How dare you.
Oh, my God. Are you all right?
Oh, God. I'm so sorry, my friend.
Did it hurt?

Of course it hurt.
But nothing.
I was shot before...
...but I was okay.
Shoot me.
Go ahead.
No, I think the embalming fluid
has gone to your head.

-This is ridiculous.
-Give me the gun.
