The Missing

Any man found looting...
...will have the value of their property
deducted from his pay.

They're enlisted men.
-Post two men over there.
-l'm going to camp down by the river.

lf l stay here long, l might misbehave.
--right over there.
Somebody might have to kill me.
l imagine you plan to ride first thing.
Would it be all right if my daughter
and l rode along with you?

Naturally, l'm quite concerned.
Ma'am, capturing those renegades
is the Army's highest priority.

-Yes, of course.
-Butcher a couple goats for supper!

-And l'm grateful.
-But that's the assignment of the 4th.

But the 4th is going
in the wrong direction.

l assure you, they'll be redirected
as soon as we reach Fort Stanton.

Stanton's three days away.
My daughter will be in Mexico by then.

l grieve for your situation, l truly do.
But my assignment is to return these
hostiles in my capture to Stanton...

...for their prompt
and immediate deportation.

-You like fish?
-Go water the horses.

-l watered them back at the--
-l'm not asking.
