The Recruit

Killed by your hand.
You've got no way out but me.
You're gonna have to negotiate.
The lce 9 program isn't real.
It's a fake!
Oh, no. It's real.
Switched it myself.
Once you're in Langley,
you can do anything.

It's getting it out
that's a bitch.

I could delete it right now.
Erase it all!
That's how to play
the game, James.

Your daddy would be proud
of you -- that kind of talk.

All right, that's enough.
You stop.

You don't talk about him.
You do not mention his name!

Oh, sensitive.
You're a liar, a traitor!
He was none of those things.
Well, he wasn't in the ClA.
Maybe that's why.

I mean, now that
we're letting it all hang out,

airing our laundry.
He didn't work for us.

Bullshit. He did.
He worked for the company.

Yeah. Shell Oil.
Sorry, kid.
Dreams die hard.
So, now what?
Am I supposed to fall apart?
Is that it?

Hand you over the computer
with my desire to please, Burke?

Well, it's an option.
Well, here's another option --
shoot me.

Go ahead.
Oh, now, you sound like
a sore loser to me.

Don't you appreciate
the complexity of this thing?

James, come on, man.
I'm working without a net here.

And I pulled it off, too.
I'm clean. You're not.
I don't want to hurt you.
I just want the computer.

All right,
now, where might that be?

First, tell me why.
Why me?

Oh, why? How? When?
You're like a bunch of baby
birds with your beaks open,

waiting for me
to vomit out answers.

Why me?!
I needed a partner.
You needed a father.

What is the principal job
of a ClA officer?

You develop an asset,
you work 'em, then you turn 'em.
