The Recruit

will you look at this?
27 years, I'm finally
in the spotlight, right?

What do you know?
What do we do now?
Come get my gun...
or you just want to hang me?

Hang the traitor.
You ready for that, Slayne?
Oh, I hear you.
"Why'd you sell us out, Burke?"
I sold you out.
No way!
Jesus Christ.
27 years neck-deep in shit!
Sell you out?
Did I do my job?
I ask you -- you do your job?
I hand you the target.
I tell you who and where.
What do you do?
All you got to do is act.
What do you do?
Do you do your job? No!
I'm obsolete!
I'm irrelevant!
Me! Shame on you!
You yanked me home!
You shoved me out in the woods!
-Some lvy League prick...
-Jesus Christ.

who's afraid of having dinner
in D.C...

The target is Burke.
...because of street crime
is judging my worth,

shoving me in the fucking...
Put it down, Walter.
They came for you.
The line to the ClA
was a fake.

You never told 'em.
You did.
Nothing is what it seems.
