The Recruit

All right,
I can afford 10 cents.

Yo, I'm out.
All right, I'll see you.
Come on, you're gonna fold,
Ronnie. Just get it over with.

-You're a Miami cop, right?

So why don't you
speak Spanish?

I do.
So where'd you learn Farsi --
Persian beat?

Oh, that's funny.
No, night school --
Florida Atlantic University --

so I could get in here.
-I'm out.

Well, looks like it's just me
and Sonny Crockett.

RONNlE: Sonny Crockett --
is that the black guy
or the white guy?

What are the girls like
on South Beach?

What do you want to do?
All right.
# Sonny, you're a boy #
# Make a big noise
playing on the street #

I'll see your bet
and raise you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa --
$2 raises max, remember?

Come on, we're not playing
by the rules here on the farm.

Are we? Are we?
Are we, Sonny?
That's fine by me.
Okay. So...
Are my pupils dilated?
I could be bluffing.
Or it could just be dark
in here. What do you think?

# Gonna be a big man
someday #

# You got mud on your face #
Okay, I'll give it to you.
I fold.

-What did you have?
-Hey! That's not how we play.

Your deal.
Hey, man, good game.
Well, well, well...
Looks like boys' night in, huh?
Kinda sad.
I'm gonna change all that.
Time for a field trip.
We got the van outside.

We're all going for drinks
at the Blue Ridge.
