The Recruit

She trusts you.
Loves you, maybe.
And you're gonna take
that trust and that love

and you're gonna use it to
find out who she's working for.

My first posting was
in ltaly -- Trieste.

A physics conference
met there every summer.

So I meet this local girl --
beautiful, sweet.

She's working for the Russian
group as a secretary.

Anyway, I did my job.
I worked her. I turned her.

Pretty soon, she's giving me
everything, you know --

I mean,
really high-grade stuff --

and, uh, I'm a hero.
But I'm still a kid, two years,
fresh out of Ocala, Florida.

I got this perfect ltalian girl,
and she's crazy for me,

and we're falling in love.
I knew the Russians were
getting close to her.

I knew she was
in jeopardy, but...

material was valuable.
I could've warned her.
I could've saved her.
But the information
was more important.

You understand?
The information was more
important than she was...

more important than I was.
It is what we do.
I need to think about it.
Oh, come on.
"Think about it."

You got 24 hours.
