The School of Rock

What was that big thing
you were playing today ?

This is a bass guitar.
It's exactly the same,

but instead of playing like this, you tip it
on the side, "chello", you've got a bass.

Try it on.
OK, now play this note
right here. That's a G.

OK, but let your fingers
do the rocking.

Keep that G coming all day long.
G, G, G, G, G, G
Good. Stop. Are there any drummers
in the house ?

- I play percussion.
- You couldn't play anything else.

- Shut up !
- Come here, dude.

Just see if you can do what I do.
Just give it a try.

OK ? Give that a try.
OK !
That's really good.
Just stay right here.

All right, OK.
Lawrence, give me a G note.

With the fifth above it.
And the middle one.
No middle one, I changed my mind.

Now go an octave below.
Now give me some rhythm.
And keep that same rhythm. Go.
Katie, remember that note, the G ?
Play it, but also keep it rocking. Good.
OK, give me like a...
Like a:

That's bad. That's like
George of the Jungle.

Play it up here on the cymbal,
but really light.

Oh, that's it !
OK, keep going with that.

You remember this thing
I taught you a minute ago ?

Yes ! Yes !
All right, let's go !
Stop. You guys, stop messing around.
We've got a lot of work to do.
