The School of Rock

- Miss Mullins, you're The Man.
- Thank you, Frankie.

Good morning.
Just a reminder:

Parents' Night is coming up,
and I expect everyone
to have a presentation.

What ? Hot !
- You OK ?
- It's all right.

As you know, it is the most
important event of the year.

The parents scrutinize
our every move,

so I find it's best to over-prepare.
Right ?

The best defense
is a good offense.

And, Roberta, now that I see you...
Hey, is she always like that ?
Oh, yeah.
Except for the time she got drunk
at the alumni dinner.

You should have seen that.
She got up on the table and did
a Stevie Nicks impersonation.

And she wasn't bad.
Remember, she took up the tablecloth
and whirled around with it ?

...that had been
on the turkey tray

that were touched over onto
the peanut-butter-and-jelly tray.

Now, I know that you know
that this is a severe problem.

Come on. Go, go, go !
All right, you guys.
Is everybody ready ?

- Yeah.
- Strap in. Let's do this.
