The Singing Detective

He said out of the side
of his mouth.

Gibbon. How are you,
Mr. Dark?

Can't... shake.
Oh, yes, of course.
l'm sorry.

And l wouldn't if l could.
l'm here under protest.
Well, l see. A kidnap.
Little men shouldn't sit
where their feet don't touch
the floor.

Makes me think
of nursery rhymes.

You don't want
to see me.
What sharpness. What perception.
And you don't like it at all
that l've got this.

lt's full of clues.
No, it's full of pages.
Oh, but clues are what
you're supposed to find

in a detective story.
Am l right, or...
am l right?

Jesus. You're good.
l know clues are
supposed to lead you

to the killer, but, uh...
what if they reveal
the victim a little
more clearly?

You think you're being
interesting, don't you?

lf this was a movie, you'd be
on the cutting room floor.

Does your book worry you?
l want to go back to my bed.
lt's vivid and exciting there.
Well, you don't
have any visitors.

How do you know?
Well, does your wife
come and visit you, or...

-l'm not married.
-or do you stop her when...?

l'm not married.
Oh, and period.
Oh, oh, yes, l see.
Stop it! Stop staring at me!
You've never seen
a human pizza before?

You... you don't like women,
do you?
