The Singing Detective

Has your wife been
to visit you yet?

God, the way you walk
up and down behind me.

l mean, are you pretending
to be an oddball,

or are you actually nuts?
Ah, there you are.
You're looking better.
Uh-huh. Am l?
Yeah. Your posture, too.
-Less pain?

Yeah, maybe.
Well, you know, you-you ought
to let those neck muscles

...relax a little.
Oh, l'm sorry.
Forgive me. l, uh...

Well, that's why l...
Well, look, l just...
lf you could just
turn your head.

Uh, you'd-you'd get
fewer headaches that way.

Who says l get headaches?
Oh, you do,
don't you?

Severe ones, hmm?
And no doubt, as a result,
your perceptions are probably
somewhat distorted, hmm?

Yeah. l can see around corners
and right up
your hairy little self.

Not to mention that
ugly temper, yeah.

Minute by minute,
we make the world, Doc.

Our own world.
Well, what do you think?
You think it's time maybe
you went back to work again?

Tell me how, Dr. Donothing.
Well, l never write
anything down myself.

l dictate.
Never tried it.

With whom?
Question mark.

Well, there are people.
Has somebody been getting
to you?

What do you mean?
Has a certain whore
of my former acquaintance been
pushing her hard little nose

into my affairs?
Mr. Dark,
do you plan
to get better?

Chronic illness
is a shelter. Yeah.
