The Statement

May God forgive you.
He may forgive me,
but he won't forgive you.

I know you inside out.
You betray everything.
You betray everybody.

- Shut up, shut up.
- No, I won't shut up.

You don't like to remember.
But I remember.
When he joined the Resistance,
Jacques was only 19.

Do you pray for him?
Do you pray for his soul?

- You betrayed him to save yourself.
- They tortured me.

Lies. You couldn't wait to tell them
where he was hiding.

Do you remember your promise?
"I'll look after your little brother,"
you said.

You looked after him all right,
didn't you?

I'm warning you, Nicole.
I'm not afraid of you.
You and your priests and your faith.

How do you know
what my faith means to me?

Do you know how hard it is for me?
I can't go to Mass in case
someone recognizes me.

You don't go to Mass because you
can't bear blacks kneeling beside you.

You can't bear it when a priest
faces you and doesn't mumble Latin.

Left-wing priests have ruined
religion. You don't care.

- You've never had an ounce of faith.
- I confess, I confess.

You confess lies.
That's what you confess.
There, there, there.
Nicole, darling...
...let's not fight.
I mean, it's only a few days.

Nobody in the whole world
knows that I am here.

What about your picture?
It was in the paper.
Why don't you go out
and buy us a nice dinner...

...and a good bottle of wine.
Do as you're told...
...and you'll be happy.
I'll never be happy.
Not while you're alive.
