The Statement

Are you listening to me?
This guy Manenbaum,
what is he, about 40?

He doesn't seem to have a record.
What does that mean?
Well, it's not possible that there's
no trace anywhere in the world...

...of a 40-year-old professional killer.
So, what are you saying?
I don't really know
at the moment, but...

Maybe there is no Jewish Commando.
I don't know.

Oh, God.
If only I could go far, far away.
If I had the money...
... I could rent one of those boats.
Just disappear.
I could go somewhere
I'd never been before.

No. The Church is my only refuge.
My only hiding place.
I must go on.
I have to go on.
I know now how much I miss you.
You are the only one
who cares for me.

For that I thank you.
We are one in the eyes of God.
Now and forever.
Love, Pierre.
Mother of God, protect me, save me.
