The Statement

Just came in, ordered a beer,
and went straight to the toilet.

Colonel, we found this on the body.
You can handle it.

We've lifted the prints.
- You are welcome and God bless you.
- Thank you, Father.

Thank you for meeting me.
It's always like coming home.

God is good.
I want you to know, Pierre,
that we pray for you every night.

- I had no choice.
- Of course you didn't.

They're forcing me.
And I don't want to kill, Father Prior.
All I want is absolution.
I want to die in a state of grace.
I am truly repentant.
- I'm so frightened, so alone.
- You are not alone.

You are one of us.
I love France, Father Prior.
I love my country.

If you are forced into exile,
we will help.
