The Wooden Camera

Hey, why aren't you at school?
It's school holidays, papa.
You forgot.
But school keeps
you away from mischief.

You're on TV, dad.
That's a toy, man.
Tell the camera
where you come from.

I come from Port Elizabeth,
in New Brighton.

Why did you
become an actor?

I became an actor...
because I loved it,
I wanted to be an actor,
I wanted to appear
as the Richard Burtons
and the Roger Moores
and you name them.

You name them.
I've arrived, yes, yes!
Whenever Mr. Shawn
came to the township,

everyone ran after him
and wanted to show him
their talent.

He taught music
and other things, as well.

But he made everyone
feel special.

Hey, filmmaker!
People liked him
very, very much.

- Right here.
- Hello.

Madiba, doesn't this
wooden camera look great?

Hey, man, I love it.
