Tian di ying xiong

The Gobi Desert lies east.
There's no water there.

South is the icy plateau
controlled by the Tibetans.

There are cannibals in the mountains.
And to the north, 1 8-Mile Fortress.
-Go poison the Bitter Well.
-Yes, sir.

Tell the Turks to set up
checkpoints on every road...

-...to 1 8-Mile Fortress.

Don't you think there's something odd
about the bandits' persistence?

It is a bit strange.
They cut off the caravan
in the middle.

If their goal was robbery, well,
they've got half the goods already.

They're surely not after
the Buddhist texts.

They cut it in half
to isolate the last four people.

Back at the outpost,
An pushed us to hire his men.

He wanted to buy out the caravan as
well. It's as if he knows what we have.

It seems that way.
There's got to be something
we don't know about.

Could it be this miniature pagoda?
I'm awake. I'm listening.
Tell us the truth.
