Uptown Girls

You were lucky.
I wasn't mad, Ray.
I was confused.
Everyone was talking to me,
and I couldn't understand
a word they were saying.

Then their voices
became a blur...

...and soon I couldn't even
recognize their faces.

They were like these blobs.
Then they started
to grow fangs...

...and their eyes
became green.

I knew I had to run away.
I packed my knapsack,
got on the train,
looked up at the map,

and decided that I wanted
to live in Coney Island.

I thought
it was gonna be a real island...

...and I could hide away there like
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Imagine my surprise.
The Teacups was the only ride
they'd let me on by myself.

I got on it and started
spinning myself round and round.

I feel like I'm still there,
spinning round
and round and round,

and the ride won't stop,
and I won't dare get off.
You were right, Ray.
I am scared.
But you're scared, too.
You're as scared as I am,
and I thought maybe...
I thought maybe if we...
...could go together...
