Uptown Girls

You're too hot for those
earth tones you've been wearing.

What about the song?
Is it too fast, too slow, what?

It's kind of like the same thing
over and over again.

Is there, like, a hook
or a good chorus or something?

A hook?
- Yeah.

I don't do hooks.
- Okay.

I'm not a sell-out. I don't
wear purple and I don't do hooks.

I said okay, okay?
Names... names unremembered,
faces in sight

Molly, I thought you were dead.
Neal's in the other room.
- That guy is still there?

You always do this.
When are you gonna grow up?

He's never going to leave.
All he does is mope
and play these loser songs.

Help me, please.
I don't know how to get rid of this guy
without breaking his heart.

Just a minute!

Oh, my God,
I'm being totally suffocated.

Can you take those off?
Ing, I'll call you.
Baby...I'm not a love machine.
No, my boxers...
can I have them back, please?

What's going on?
Listen, I've got to go.
- Go?

Go where, go?
Home, Molly.
The place where I live,
where I have a life,

where I do my laundry,
get sleep, try to make music.

Why can't you
make music here?

This is a world gone mad,
like I've stepped
through the looking-glass.

There's a week's worth of leftovers,
a month of laundry.
