Uptown Girls

Look at this place.
- We'll call maid service.

"You" call maid service.
I've got to rejoin the human race.

I don't understand.
Listen, I just feel
like I'm suffocating.

I need some air.
- We can open the windows.

It's not about the windows.
I need my shirt back.

Damn! I forgot
to get new strings.

I have, like,
five gigs this week

and I have not done
a single thing.

I have got to get to work.
I'll call you later, I swear.

Oh, my God.
This place is beyond
its normal grotesque.

It's post-nuclear.
Ninety-eight messages?
Molly, your machine
has 98 messages on it.

Write them down for me,
will you?

He's gone.
I have no life.

"Of course you have a life.
"I don't need to tell you that.
That's what you're
supposed to say to me.

As your best friend,
it's my duty not to lie to you.

you wanted him gone, remember?

I did?
What are all these
final notices?

I'm gonna call him.
I think now is
a good time to call him.

Would you hand me the phone?
I'm gonna call him right now.

Focus for one second.
Your electric has been canceled
and so has your gas.

Who pays your bills?
Bob who?
I don't know.
My parents' guy Bob.
