View from the Top

l need to refocus.
So just give me a second, okay?
Better. Okay.
Look, you can fly
Royalty Express for a year,

or you can leave the airline.
Where am l going?
Let me have a look here.
Welcome to Cleveland
Hopkins lnternational Airport.

Remain seated until the aircraft
has come to a complete stop

and the captain has turned off
the "fasten seat belt" sign.

We know you have a choice
when you travel.

We thank you for choosing
Royalty Express.

l don't know if l mentioned it.
l'm glad l'm working with you.

ln Cleveland!
Don't you love it?

Terminal Tower.
Lake Erie.

lt's like Paris,
except everybody speaks English

and they're 30 pounds

We are gonna look so thin.
When you meet someone
in the daytime,

you can greet them with


lf you are talking to a man,
you usually add "monsieur."

Bonjour, monsieur.
Bonjour, monsieur.
-Bonjour, monsieur.
-Bonjour, monsieur.

Good afternoon.
Welcome aboard
Royalty Express flight 2 7.

Two in the rear
and two in the front.

-Cheese sandwich for you?

We have one cheese left.
-Bologna or cheese?

Can l take this chair?

You told me to take it.
