View from the Top

Before me, they just pointed.
True story.

l did speak to John.
l asked him
if l could see my test.

l begged him.
He said no.

l asked him if you could see
the test, and he said no.

Don't you worry about John.
Did you see me on "Oprah"?

l scared the hell out of that
little wiener Dr. Phil.

lt's test 1047.
lt's Sally Weston.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What is it, Donna?
This isn't my test.
lt's my number.
lt's number 1047.

But it isn't mine.
Look at those little hearts.

Time's up.
Pencils down. Books closed.

Remember to write
your identification number

on the front of the exam booklet
and pass it forward.

So, how'd you do?
New York, here l come.
l can't believe it.
l trusted her.
She was my best friend.

Oh, my God.
These answers.

No wonder we sent you
to express.

We were being nice.
l can't believe
she'd steal my test!

Wait a minute.
That night l had you kids
over for dinner,

someone took my airplane soaps.
Oh, my God.
She is probably
stealing us blind.

Hell, l'll bet she's got
a whole closetful

of airline property.
Headsets. Booze.
Kosher meals.

There's two things
we've got to do.

We got to get you retested.
There's a group next week.

lf you do as well as l think,
we can reassign you right away.

How soon can you leave

l'd just have to talk to Ted.
Who's Ted?
This really great guy
that l'm seeing.

Well, l'm afraid you've got
a decision to make.

