
Who did you say that was at
your desk out there, Willard?

I don't know her.
Well you should know,
because it's your fault she's there

You're falling a place to way
behind processing the purchase orders

You know when they happen, Willard,
everything comes to a standstill.
My sales people up on the floor,
shipping, receiving, inventory,
everybody is standing around with
their thumbs up your ass

just because you've allowed
the purchase orders

to bottleneck at your desk.
Your father built this company,

Hell, your family name is still
out there on the side of the building...

Martin Stiles Manufacturing.
It seems to me like,
that alone will make you take up
on more pride in your work.

Well, my mother is...eh...sick
I see. So
It's your mother's fault
that you're falling behind.

Willard, I am an old friend to the family.
Hell, I've known your mother
since before you were born.

She's a fine lady,
and she deserves to be kept comfortable
Your dad was like a father to me
And I promised him that I would
always look after you and your mother.

And as long as she was alive,
you'd have a job right here.

And I'm keeping with that promise.
I must insist,
that you find a good rest
care facility for mom.

We can't afford that.
I guess you could always
sell the house.

Here is an idea,
I'll tear it down and build a park myself

I'm sorry. Mr. Martin, I'll catch up,
I'll stay late
