
However, your father's death left debts that even
Mr. Martin's buyout did not completely relief.

In fact, there remains pending
litigation on some unsettled debts.

Well, it's still my house.
Your mother refinanced the
house after your father's death.

In fact, we still owe...
We? It's my house!
We can declare bankruptcy,
we can sell the house.

It's my house.
Yes, of course,
you grew up there at your home,

but it's the bank's house.
It's my house.
There's no need for a single man to live in
such a large house, Willard. Sell it.

Why do I have to pay for
things that my parents did?

The money can help you start over.
Start over? I'm almost done.
Willard, look, you have no choice.
If I have choice,
why did you even come here?

Why did you even bother telling me?
You can't tell people that they
don't have control over their lives

that I have no money,
no home, and it's not even my fault.
Willard, this is not the time nor place.
You think about it,
then please you have to contact me.

This is the only chance you have
to take control of your own life.

Thank you.
