
it was her place.
She had just beaten breast cancer
and found a new lease on life.

- This is Barbara.
- Hi.

She was a real generous woman.
Nice. Thank you.
- Barbara.
- Where is he?

Right up there, my brother.
Ron was in the back. That's when
I first saw the antique guns.

Hey, my man!
Yeah, buddy,
there you are, man.

He was fearless.
He was the kind of guy,

you put a gun to his head
and his pulse wouldn't break 70.

Is it hot in here?
'Cause I'm roasting.

Summer, baby, bummer.
Hey, you think it's hot in here?
I saw the Dead play Grass Valley...

Ah, you must be Barbara,
are you enjoying yourself?

Yeah, this is the best party
I've ever been to.

It's only the beginning, baby.
LA in the summer...
anything can happen, right?

How you doin', man?
You see my new toys? Check these out.

- These for real?
- Yeah, I got two more in the bed.

'Cause, like, these are worth
a lot of money, Ronnie.

That's why I can't find
a fence, brother.

- What about Slim Jim?
- He said they're too high profile.

Hey! Come on.
Where're we sleeping?
You see the couch when you walked in?
That's where you're sleeping.

I just wanted to get alone
with Barbara, spend some quiet time.

Goddamn, she was
happy to be there.

She had never been
south of Bakersfield.

And here she was in LA,
because I told her she
could be Lana Turner...
